Alumni ID

Alumni ID
Alumni ID
If you have specific questions, or need help accessing a particular service on campus, please reach out to the Alumni Office at or (207)221-4295.

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Please make sure you follow the below instructions for you ID Photo: 

  • Stand with your back against a solid, neutral colored wall. 

  • Make sure that there are no other people or objects, including hats or sunglasses in the photo. 

  • Selfies, stylized poses, or photos with filters will not be accepted. 

  • Make sure to look right at the camera, no side or angled photos will be accepted. 

  • Take the picture so it captures from the center of your chest, a few inches below your shoulders, to just over your head and showing at least a few inches beyond your shoulders from side to side. 

  • Make sure you are taking your photo with good lighting and no shadows, but don’t turn on a flash. Photos that are either too dark or too light will be rejected.